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Statutes, Regulations, Official Interpretations

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Below is a list of NCLC's free content on statutes & regulations, organized by title in NCLC's Consumer Law Practice Series. For more content on these subjects, subscribe to the treatise.

Collection Actions

Appendix A Selected Provisions of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act
Appendix B Selected Medical Debt Provisions Regarding the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Appendix C Selected Provisions Governing Collection of Debts Owed to Federal Government
Appendix D Federal Wage Garnishment Statute and Regulations
Appendix E Treasury Rule Protecting Electronically Deposited Exempt Federal Benefits
Appendix F Selected Federal Exemption Provisions
Appendix G Federal Trade Commission Credit Practices Rule


Image of Collection Actions cover

Mortgage Lending

Appendix C Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act
Appendix D Truth in Lending Act Substantive Mortgage Regulation
Appendix E National Bank Regulation
Appendix F Federal Savings Association Regulation
Appendix G Federal Credit Union Regulation
Appendix H Other Substantive Mortgage Restrictions
Appendix I Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980 (DIDA)
Appendix J Alternative Mortgage Transaction Parity Act
Appendix K Loans Insured by Federal Agencies
Appendix L Federal Reverse Mortgage Provisions
Appendix P Failed Bank Receivership Statutes