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Hundreds of Free Practice Aids on the NCLC Digital Library

The NCLC Digital Library contains a massive amount of free consumer law practice aids, in addition to the 21 NCLC treatises requiring a subscription. This article describes twelve available types of free resources, including free access to Surviving Debt, Federal Practice Manual for Legal Aid Attorneys, a student loan toolkit, eleven consumer law practice checklists, and 21 chapters and over 70 appendices from NCLC treatises.

Consumer Litigation Guide to Supreme Court Rejection of Chevron

Two just-decided Supreme Court rulings facilitate industry challenges to federal agency rules. This article examines the implications of these decisions for consumer attorneys bringing federal rule-based claims where defendants now argue the rule is invalid or inapplicable. The article recommends eight steps to respond to these Supreme Court decisions to preserve the consumer’s claims.

Supreme Court Ruling Impacts Consumer Creditors of Bankrupt Companies

A June Supreme Court ruling disallows a scheme by individuals to use a corporate bankruptcy of their closely held business to evade individual liability for fraud, UDAP, and tort claims. This article explains the holding’s implications for consumer claims involving corporations in bankruptcy and lists 12 steps victimized consumers can take to preserve their rights when faced with a corporate bankruptcy filing.

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stack of books in the NCLC Consumer Law Practice Series that pertain to housing: Home Foreclosures, Mortgage Servicing and Loan Modifications, and Mortgage Lending

NCLC has compiled resources for advocates navigating trending subjects in consumer law. Resources include free NCLC articles, written submissions from past NCLC conferences free to the consumer law community, links to relevant NCLC treatise material, pleadings and discovery, and more. Most of the resources are free to the public or free to the consumer law community. View NCLC's aggregated lists of resources on the NCLC Digital Library



 Free @NCLC


open NCLC treatise on a desk, surrounded by office supplies

Policy and analysis, statutes and regulations, sample pleadings, court decisions, and more - all publicly accessible on the NCLC Digital Library.