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April 1 Increase of Federal Bankruptcy Exemptions, Other Dollar Amounts

Effective April 1, consumers filing bankruptcy in states that use the federal bankruptcy exemptions will be able to exempt more of their equity in their homes, cars, household goods, and even retirement accounts. This article describes all the bankruptcy dollar amount changes going into effect April 1.

Nine New or Revised FTC Rules Released in 2024

In 2024 the FTC issued nine new or revised rules—more than any year in decades. This article summarizes each of these nine rules and their present status. The article also lists four especially noteworthy already existing FTC rules. The article sets out the major implications for individual or class litigation of each listed rule.

NHLP to Publish The Green Book 6th Edition in Print

The National Housing Law Project will soon publish the print version of the 6th edition of HUD Housing Programs: Tenants’ Rights (aka the Green Book ). The Green Book is the preeminent legal text on federal tenants' rights in HUD programs. The Green Book ’s treasury of information is the product of over 55 years of legal experience specifically focused on HUD housing law, decades of successful...

Housing Toolbox

Aggregated lists of resources from the NCLC Digital Library and on pertinent housing topics:

Tangled Titles | Zombie Second Mortgages | Property Tax Foreclosure | Natural Disasters | Mortgage Servicing Pleadings


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