Arbitration Checklist
Arbitration Practice Checklist and Cheat Sheet
Grounds to Challenge the Enforceability of an Arbitration Requirement
✅ Federal Limits to the Enforceability of an Arbitration Requirement
✅ State Law Limits on the Enforceability of an Arbitration Requirement
✅ Has the Arbitration Agreement Been Validly Formed?
✅ Is the Agreement Applicable to the Dispute and to Both Parties?
✅ Has the Right to Compel Arbitration Been Waived?
✅ Does the Arbitration Provision Prevent Vindication of Federal Statutory Rights?
✅ Unconscionability Preventing Enforcement of Arbitration Agreement
✅ When Arbitration Provider Unavailable
✅ Class Certification and Arbitration Requirements
The Process to Challenge an Arbitration Requirement
✅ Who Decides—Court or Arbitrator?
✅ Jurisdiction and Venue for Actions to Compel Arbitration
✅ Right to Discovery and Jury Trial Regarding Enforceability of Arbitration Agreements
✅ Appeals of Court Decisions As to the Enforceability of Arbitration Requirements
Utilizing Individual, Class, or Mass Arbitration
✅ Consumer or Worker Individual Arbitration
Motor Vehicle Repossessions Checklist
Analyzing a Repossession Case
✅ Overview
✅ Advising the Client Facing Repossession
✅ Does the Creditor Have an Enforceable Security Interest?
✅ Was the Consumer in Default?
✅ Was the Self-Help Repossession Conducted Properly?
✅ Did the Creditor Dispose of the Collateral Properly?
✅ Has the Creditor Correctly Computed and Informed the Consumer of the Deficiency or Surplus?
✅ Is the Creditor Barred from Recovering a Deficiency Judgment?
✅ What Remedies Are Available?


Warranty Law in a Nutshell
Creation of Express and Implied Warranties
✅ General
✅ Implied Warranty of Merchantability
✅ Implied Warranty of Fitness for a Particular Purpose
✅ Extended Warranties, Service Contracts, and Mechanical Breakdown Insurance
Restrictions on Enforcement of Consumer Warranties
✅ Warranty Disclaimers and “As Is” Sales
✅ Contractual Limitations on Buyer’s Remedies
Automobile Litigation Checklist
Automobile Litigation Checklist
Legal Claims
✅ Financing, Add-Ons, and Insurance
✅ Leasing Sales, Defects, and Termination
✅ Other
Investigation and Litigation


Student Loans Checklist
Checklist for Handling Student Loan Issues
✅ Collecting Information About a Borrower’s Federal Loans
✅ Collecting Information About a Borrower’s Private or State Loans
✅ Assessing Loan Cancellation, Forgiveness, and Discharge Options
✅ Evaluating a Borrower’s Repayment Options
Debt Defense Checklist
Debt Defense Checklist
✅ Status of Collection Lawsuit
✅ Debtor’s and Creditor’s Rights After Judgment for Creditor


Consumer Credit Litigation Checklist
Consumer Credit Litigation Checklist
✅ Analyzing a Credit Transaction
✅ Motor Vehicle and Other Installment Sales
Truth in Lending Quick Reference
Truth in Lending Quick Reference


Analyzing a Foreclosure Case Checklist
Analyzing a Foreclosure Case
✅ Overview
First Steps
✅ Identify the Type of Foreclosure
✅ Understanding the Homeowner’s Objectives
✅ Gather and Review Loan Documents
✅ Identify the Critical Parties
✅ Analyze for Servicing Claims
✅ Analyze the Loan for Origination Claims
✅ Analyze the Foreclosure for Procedural Defenses
✅ Negotiating a Workout or Modification
✅ Should the Homeowner File for Bankruptcy to Protect the Home?
✅ Manufactured Home Foreclosures
✅ Real Estate Installment Sales
✅ Reverse Mortgage Foreclosures
✅ Is the Foreclosure Pursuant to a Property Tax Lien?
Checklist for Mortgage Loan Topics
Payment Systems in a Nutshell
Payment Systems in a Nutshell
✅ Transfers Directly Out of the Consumer’s Bank or Prepaid Account