CRLC Videos
2022 Consumer Rights Litigation Conference Videos

2022 Consumer Rights Litigation Conference Videos
Bankruptcy Intensive
P1: Opening Plenary: Attorney General Bob Ferguson

2021 Consumer Rights Litigation Conference Videos
Monday, December 6, 2021
A1: ABCs of FCRA [not available for on-demand viewing]
A2: Medical Debt Defense: What Consumer Attorneys Need to Know about Surprise Billing and Other Health Insurance Issues
A3: ABC’s of Auto Fraud
A4: ABC’s of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
A5: Using Violations of Mortgage Servicing Rules without Private Rights of Action as Predicates for FDCPA and UDAP Claims [not available for on-demand viewing]
A6: Advocating for Change Outside the Courtroom: how to make a difference at the state or city level
A7: ABCs of Student Loan Law
A8: Combatting Unauthorized Electronic Charges
A9: Pandemic Loss Mitigation Updates
Tuesday, December 7, 2021
B1: Implied Warranty and Mag-Moss: Under Used Yet Remarkably Useful (And No, As-Is Disclaimers Often Don’t Stop You)
B2: Arbitration Do’s and Dont’s: Succeeding in Arbitration in 2021 and Beyond
B3: Outside and Alongside the FCRA: Bringing State Law Claims Against “Not CRAs”
B4: TCPA Litigations Using FCC Actions
B5: Mortgage Discovery: Getting the Goods
B6: Using Consumer Law to Protect Tenants Part I: Rental Debt
B7: Where Attorneys Fear to Tread: FCRA, Family Identity Theft and Victims of Economic Abuse
B8: Supreme Court Litigation Review
B9: Criminal Justice Debt: Relief from Collection Based on Financial Hardship or Inability to Pay
Wednesday, December 8, 2021
C1: Credit Math for Car Cases
C2: Determining Statute of Limitations in Affirmative and Defensive Debt Collection Cases
C3: Do’s and Don’ts of Intake and Working Up the Case
C4: Untangling Title: Saving the Home When Heir Property Issues are Involved
C5: Intersectionality of Disability Law and Consumer Law
C6: Prospect Theory: How Behavioral Economics Impacts Litigation and the Ethical Implications for Lawyers
C7: Student Loan Bankruptcy
C8: Protecting Those who Protect Us: Claims for Military/Veteran Consumers
C9: Impact Litigation for Legal Services Attorneys
Thursday, December 9, 2021
D1: Litigating against Background Screening Companies
D2: Taxes on Attorneys’ Fees
D3: RESPA Mortgage Servicing Rules: New COVID-Related Updates
D4: Utility Debt and Consumer Protections: Intro to Advocacy and Litigation Strategies
D5: Reversing Course: Protecting Older Adults from Reverse Mortgage Foreclosure
D6: TCPA Updates and New Interpretations of ATDS Definition
D7: Escrow Issues: How to Stay Sane and Figure Out What is Going On
D8: What is a Bank? Fintech, Crypto, Trust, Neo, Public and Other New Banks and Faux Banks
D9: Freedom of Information Act
Friday, December 10, 2021
E1: Using State Unfair and Deceptive Acts to Help Consumers
E2: Student Loan Updates
E3: FDCPA Developments
E4: New Developments in Autofraud
E5: Using Consumer Law to Protect Tenants Part II: Developments in Tenant Screening
E6: Using the FHA and ECOA to Combat Housing and Credit Discrimination
E7: Earned Wage Access, Income Share Agreements and Other “Non-recourse” Finance
E8: Don’t Mess Up the Settlement Agreement
E9: FCRA Developments
Engagement Sessions, December 13-16, 2021
Engagement Session - Case Strategies from the Complaint Through Trial to Maximize Results Roundtable & Strategy Summit
Engagement Session - CFPB Listening Session - Housing
[not available]
Engagement Session - Q&A about Reg F and Your FDCPA Practice

2020 Consumer Rights Litigation Conference
Monday, November 9, 2020
A1: Intro to Auto
A2: ABCs of FCRA
A3: Medical Debt Primer/Intro to Med Debt
A4: RESPA Issues in COVID-19 Mortgage Relief Options
A5: Civil Rights in Consumer Law
A6: ABCs of Class Action Part 1
A7: The Dark Side of Solar, PACE, and Home Improvements [not available for on-demand viewing]
A8: Depositions in the Time of the Novel Coronavirus
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
B1: Investigation in Auto Cases
B2: ABCs of Student Loan Law
B3: Basic Intro into How to Stop Robocalls Under the TCPA
B4: Fighting Reverse Mortgage Foreclosures: Selected Issues
B5: Common Fair Debt Collection Practices Act Claims
B6: Preserving the Income and Assets of Older Adults Impacted by Scams and Financial Exploitation
B7: FCRA Mini-Intensive, Specialty CRAs Part 1: Conviction Histories, Expungement, and FCRA: Keeping up with Developments in a Changing Legal Landscape
B8: Payment Scams: From COVID to Check Scams to Zelle
B9: ABCs of Class Actions Part 2
B10: Guilt, Fear, and Anger: How to Develop Emotional Distress Damages
B11: COVID-19 Mortgages: FHA, VA, and USDA Loans
Thursday, November 12, 2020
C1: Student Loan Repayment After the Pandemic: Issue-Spotting and Default Prevention
C2: Class Action Update
C3: FCRA Mini-Intensive, Specialty CRAs Part 2: Tenant Screening
C4: Utility Debt and COVID-19
C5: Why and How Legal Services Attorneys and Others Should Do Regulatory Advocacy [not available for on-demand viewing]
C6: Using the FDCPA to Effect Systemic Change
C7: Credit Math for Car Cases
C8: Winning Motions to Compel [not available for on-demand viewing]
C9: Ethical Implications of the Taxation of Attorney’s Fees [not available for on-demand viewing]
Friday, November 13, 2020
D1: Using Amended Rule 30(b)(6) to Your Best Advantage
D2: Repo in the Time of COVID-19
D3: Attacking State Usury Law Evasions
D4: Exploring the Important Connections Between Consumer and Worker Advocacy
D5: Helping Student Loan Borrowers Who Have Been Harmed By Their Schools [not available for on-demand viewing]
D6: Consumer and Economic Civil Legal Issues for Survivors of Domestic Violence
D7: Your Client is Being Sued on a Debt: What Now? A Primer on Defeating Debt Collection Lawsuits
Monday, November 16, 2020
E1: Settling Car Cases: Lessons Learned During the Pandemic
E2: Cracking the Code: Credit Scores
E3: Covid-19 Mortgages: Post Forbearance for Fannie & Freddie Loans
E4: New Point-of-Sale Financing Products
E5: Justice Isn't Always Blind: Racism Is A Prevalent Issue in Our Court System, Even As A Lawyer
E6: Criminal Justice Debt Reform: Lessons and Opportunities in the Time of COVID-19 and Mass Protests against Police Violence
E7: The ABCs of Consumer Arbitration
E8: E-Sign
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
F1: Medical Debt Defense
F2: FCRA Developments
F3: Small Dollar Loans: What's New in Fed & State Policy Fights
F4: Gender on Trial: Strategies for Combating Bias in the Courtroom (Ethics)
F5: You Can’t Have My Client's Stuff! A Primer on Protecting Your Client’s Property Post-Judgment
F6: Home Scams: Government Enforcement Attorneys & Non-Gov Attorneys Work Together
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
G1: New Developemnts in Auto Litigation and Policy
G2: Fighting Financial Abuse of Mortgage Debtors in Bankruptcy
G3: TCPA Updates
G4: Mortgage Markets and Shadow Banks
G5: The Rundown: What the Election Means for Student Loan Borrowers & Your Legal Practice
G6: Fighting Abusive Collection of Criminal Justice Debt
G7: Assignee/Holder Liability in Auto Cases
G8: Discovery in FCRA Litigation
Thursday, November 19, 2020
H1: New Spokeo Developments
H2: Emerging Fair Housing & Fair Lending Issues in the Digital Era
H3: Fair Debt Collection Practices Act Developments
H4: Getting Loan Modifications After a Divorce or Separation
H5: Practice Issues in TCPA Litigation
H6: Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire: Income Falsification and Powerbooking, Two Common Dealer Crimes
H7: What is my FCRA Case Worth?
H8: Advancing Tenant Rights With Consumer Protection Laws