Law topic
Government agency
Primary source type
In order to support its rulemaking and other functions, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (Bureau or CFPB) is charged with monitoring for risks to consumers in the offering or provision of consumer financial products or services, including developments in markets for such products or services. As part of this mandate, the Bureau is seeking information from credit card issuers, consumer groups, and the public regarding credit card late fees and late payments, and card issuers' revenue and expenses. For example, the Bureau is seeking information relevant to certain provisions related to credit card late fees in the Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009 (CARD Act or the Act) and Regulation Z. Areas of inquiry include: factors used by card issuers to set late fee amounts; card issuers' costs and losses associated with late payments; the deterrent effects of late fees; cardholders' late payment behavior; methods that card issuers use to facilitate or encourage timely payments, including autopay and notifications; card issuers' use of the late fee safe harbor provisions in Regulation Z; and card issuers' revenue and expenses related to their domestic consumer credit card operations.