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Karla Gilbride


Karla Gilbride

Karla Gilbride was an attorney with Public Justice from 2014-2023, where her work focused on fighting mandatory arbitration provisions imposed on consumers and workers to prevent them from holding corporations accountable for their wrongdoing in court.

While at Public Justice, she testified before the state legislatures of New York and California on the topic of forced arbitration and has successfully briefed and/or argued arbitration-related appeals before the U.S. Supreme Court, the U.S. Courts of Appeals for the First, Fourth, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Circuits, and state appellate courts in New Jersey and Maryland. 

Before coming to Public Justice, Karla spent three years as an associate at Mehri & Skalet PLLC, where she worked on wage and hour, and employment discrimination cases, as well as consumer class actions and cases brought under the Fair Housing Act. She previously spent three years at lity Rights Advocates in Berkeley, Calif., bringing disability discrimination class actions and representing disabled consumers before the California Public Utilities Commission.

Karla graduated with honors from Georgetown Law in 2007 and clerked for Judge Ronald Gould on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.